CALL FOR APPLICATION: 8th Edition of The Kenya School of Internet Governance

Dear Listers,

The Kenya School of Internet Governence’s (KeSIG) mission is to increase
the capacity of key actors and potential actors in the local internet
governance space. These include traditional human rights defenders and
civil society organizations, students, academia, the tech community, and
government departments.

These actors are also commissioned to participate in international internet
policymaking thereby contributing African perspectives in global debates.
The training aims to:

– Get participants to understand Internet governance
– Increase the mass of people contributing to internet policymaking in
Kenya and globally
– Equip participants with skills to effectively participate in Internet
governance discussions and forums
– Provide networking opportunities for different stakeholders
– Provide actors involved in Internet governance (trainers) with
feedback on emerging issues

To find out more about the KeSIG 2023 program and how to apply please visit