The guidance for regulating digital platforms for public good

Internet for Trust – Regulating Digital Platforms for Information as a Public Good

The “Guidance on Regulating Digital Platforms: a multistakeholder approach”<> is now publicly available in the conference’s website. We are welcoming your inputs and observations.
The guidance for regulating digital platforms has the aim to supporting freedom of expression and the availability of accurate and reliable information in the public sphere.
Consult the document here<>
The deadline to receive all your inputs is 20 January 2023.
Comments should be sent via email to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. Please include as subject of your email : “Comments to guidance on Regulating Digital Platforms”
For more details-

Lydia Gachungi

Regional Adviser on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists

Addis Ababa Liaison Office to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa/
National Office for Ethiopia.
Niger Building, 1st Floor (ECA Compound)
PO Box 1177 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Office Tel: +251 115443786
Mobile No: +251 945505333/ + 254722803724
Email:.[email protected]<…>
@LGachungi / @UNESCO_Addis