Talk2Facebook (Kick off, Tomorrow Wed 16th Sep 2020)

Morning Listers,
Polite reminder, talk2Facebook is tomorrow to be kicked off by Kelvin Karis aka Teacher Karis..
If you have time, watch \’The Social Dilemma\’ on Netflix and/or \”The Facebook Dillema\” by PBS Frontline on YouTube.
It would get your mind upto date on the trending issues that are not limited to Facebook, but affect the whole the digital economy in general.
After that you should be ready and set for the 3day Talk2Facebook session.
Looking forward to your contributions and ideas.
On Friday, September 11, 2020, 09:07:25 AM GMT+3, Walubengo J via kictanet <[email protected]> wrote:

Thnx GG, and morning LIsters.
I just want to share the program design so that u prepare adequately for the online discussion that will be moderated by my colleague Kelving Karis.
Program Setting & Description:


The e-discussions will be undertaken over a period of 4days and will cover the above thematic areas. Stakeholders will be invited on  a daily basis to respond to the thematic issues introduced by the moderator.  Finally, a Webinar event will be held to share and validated the findings.

Program Design (Data Collection, Data Processing)


Data Collection:


Program Design (Data Collection, Data Processing)

Data Collection:


The online discussion will be structured along the following themes :

·      Content moderation

·      Data protection

·      Transparency

·      Human rights

·      Connectivity


Days 1 (Wed 16th Sept 2020) – Content Moderation Issues

Guiding Qtn:  Content Moderation is a delicate balance between freedom of speech and censorship. Share  your comments, experiences, and challenges with regard to Facebook Services along the following themes:


a)    Should FB be moderating digital content on their platform or should it be open and liberal?

b)    If FB can moderate content on its platform, how can it balance out different cultural expectations where a single post in one jurisdiction is considered acceptable while it becomes un-acceptable in another?

c)    How can FB moderate content without being considered a gate-keeper or violating freedom of speech?

d)    Has your content posted on FB ever been flagged as un-acceptable and what was your reaction/experience? Is there a process of appeal?


Day 2 (Thrs 17th Sept 2020)- Data Protection Issues

Guiding Qtn:  Kenya enacted its Data Protection & Privacy Act in 2019 where the rights of individuals (data subjects) have been enhanced. Share  your comments, experiences, and challenges with regard to Facebook Services along the following themes:


a)    Have you managed to exercise your right to access and port (move)  all your data that you ever posted on FB?

b)    Have you managed to exercise your right to be forgotten, where you demand FB deletes all the digital footprint they have about?

c)    Have you managed to exercise your right to modify or restrict the consent your previously granted to FB?


Day 3 (Fri 18th Sept 2020)- Human Rights & Transparency Issues

Guiding Qtn:  Some of the basic human rights include freedom of expression, association, opinion amongst others. Transparency of FB with regard to how it handles user data is paramount to achieving these human rights. . Share  your comments, experiences, and challenges with regard to Facebook Services along the following themes:


a)    Do you feel Facebook may share your posts with state actors under the various surveillance regimes in a way that threatens your ability to express yourself online?

b)    Do you get regular Transparency reports on how many times FB has legally shared user data with State Agencies?

c)    Some Terrorists have broadcasted their heinous crimes on FBLive. Do you think FB has acted swiftly to address these and other types of crimes?


Day 4 (Sat 19th Sept 2020):-Connectivity & Wrap Up.

Guiding Qtn:  FB is involved in infrastructure projects that goes beyond digital content and potentially competes with traditional Telco providers licensed to provide telco infrastructure.  Share  your comments, experiences, and challenges with regard to Facebook Services along the following themes:

a) Have you ever experienced or used the FB High Altitude Connectivity Infrastructure?

b) Have you ever experience or used the FB FreeBasic Product which allows users to connect to FB without incurring data costs?

c) Do you think these two initiatives bring regulatory concerns that touch on completion, customer lock-in and others?

==At the end of the session , a report will be compiled and shared with Facebook during a Webinar on 30th Sept 2020.
Looking forward to your fruitful contributions.
On Thursday, September 10, 2020, 09:32:48 AM GMT+3, Grace Githaiga via kictanet <[email protected]> wrote:

Good morning Listers

I hope you are all keeping well.
We are proposing to bring the \’Talk to series\’ back in light of some of the issues that have been highlighted on the list. We will have moderated debates and in observing covid rules, the sharing of the reports and engagement with Partners will be conducted via webinars. 
1. The first one will be \’Talk to Facebook\’, which will be moderated next week by Walubengo and Teacher Karis. They will provide us with more details and when the exact days for the engagement. This will be followed by a webinar on September 30, 2020 from 15.30-1700 hours.  
2. The second one will be with Safaricom in October. More details including the exact dates will be provided here. But keep the questions coming as they are being noted. 
Thank you Listers and have a great Thursday. 
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