U.S. FTA Agreement – Resending. Might have fallen through the cracks

Fiona & Ali:

Good list, kindly note Nik Nesbitt is no longer IBM’s Regional Director.
It’s Caroline Mukiira. As a former IBMer responsible for Public Sector I’d
strongly suggest you consider some IBM Partners too.

As a Kenyan-AMERICAN the list we have though great needs to be countered by
real HEAVY WEIGHTS! Check out if Dr. Malcolm Beech Washington DC Chamber of
Commerce is on the US FTA delegation. He is a CLOSE FRIEND very strategic
HEAVILY SUPPORTED by the International Republican Institute (IRI) I hosted
him in my Mpaka Road Marianna Guesthouse and was very impressed by his

My experience in Washington DC for 20 years now is that to have INROADS
with American CORPORATIONS you must be a longer term planner!

I took Malcolm to the Lamu Governor through my GOK connections! Now
Americans are in the LAPSSET program but we who facilitated the meeting are
not in the picture! His Americans came quickly got married to Kenyan men
for change!

Now we meet in JAVA GIGIRI they frown at me and say “HAVE WE MET?” I tell
them “Kenya is for us BLACKS” are you still at the same TRINIDAD address
dangerous as hell in South East? My kids worked in a garage there for a
great Somali Mr. Abdul who left Kenya as a refugee when Somali was

They look around and I tell them “AM STILL AT THE BETHESDA ADDRESS in
Montgomery County you can’t afford” I have lived there 20 YEARS!

Am not rude good Kenyans! If we don’t FIGHT LIKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS for our
businesses, these thugs are here to have the good life in Gigiri and
Village Market as we all TOIL IN WRONG ADDRESSES and all e did is
introduced them to our GOK contacts!

I want to volunteer to work “BEHIND THE SCENES with TESPOK’s Fiona and give
you ammunition to counter these thugs”

As African businesses especially KENYA, ETHIOPIA Ghana (where Michelle
Obama traced her roots) and Nigeria we were treated too badly after Obama
won in 2008 by the same Republicans to deny our Obama a second term!

These guys colluded and destroyed our ICT companies by giving us 5 year
contracts and declining to pay us! We went to our lawyers we were told
“too bad Dr. Mary Ngunyi-Muiruri it’s a USG CONTRACT YOU CANNOT TERMINATE
only SRA can terminate and by the way YOU ARE BOUND FOR 7 YEARS to not work
for any other CONTRACTOR!

By 2011 OUR BUSINESSES were crippled we couldn’t support Obama’s second
term! We are blessed COVID-19 is more controlled in Kenya! Let’s PROTECT
OUR BUSINESSES from complete DEMISE by the same Republicans who MERCILESSLY

Proudly Kenyan Citizen I fly my KENYA 🇰🇪 FLAG HIGH with a KENYAN
PASSPORT; and US PERMANENT RESIDENT since 2000 it ain’t a crime to love my
KENYA 🇰🇪 KIPENZI CHANGU more than America my great SECOND HOME!

Baraka MOB WOTE!
Dr. Maria
On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, Ali Hussein via kictanet <
kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:

> Fiona
> This is great news. However, please allay our fears as I see neither
> TESPOK nor TESPOK members on the list. For ease of reference please see
> attached list.
> Regards
> *Ali Hussein*
> Digital Transformation
> Tel: +254 713 601113
> Twitter: @AliHKassim
> Skype: abu-jomo
> LinkedIn: ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim
> <ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim>
> Any information of a personal nature expressed in this email are purely
> mine and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the
> organizations that I work with.
> On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 12:14 PM Fiona Asonga via kictanet <
> kictanet@lists.kictanet.or.ke> wrote:
>> Hallo All
>> TESPOK is representing local ICT companies in the U.S. FTA negotiations.
>> I will however share the issues that arise here by end of day today so that
>> we can have a moderated discussion to gather input from the greater ICT
>> sector. There are several areas that we can give input on, close to 12
>> areas.
>> Kind regards