Fwd: Netexplo Spotting session for the Netexplo 100 2020

I am a member of the UNESCO\’s Netexplo Academic Network that spots new
innovations and nominates them to an annual conference in Paris. Please
circulate the attached request for next year.


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Brigitte LASRY <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 4:54 PM
Subject: Netexplo Spotting session for the Netexplo 100 2020
To: Bitange Ndemo <[email protected]>
Cc: Brigitte Lasry <[email protected]>

Dear Bitange ,

I hope that all is well with you, as we discussed it previously, we would
like to proceed with a spotting session, starting now in September through
the end of November. We hope that it is a good time for you to organize it
with your students.

In order to help you organize the spotting session, I am sending you the
link of a PPT presentation of the whole process:

As we mentioned it before, we have developed a submission form on our own
Netexplo platform. The problem is that, so far, the full access of the
template is only accessible to you upon request. Actually, only we, see the
list of projects submitted by your students, but, at any time, upon your
request, we can export the full template and send it to you.

Here is the link to the submission form:

As a reminder, please note what we are looking for (not exhaustive):
– innovation related to internet or digital tech
– creation or emergence since 2018
– originality
– likely impact

I also suggest that before submitting a project, yours students first check
on Netexplo website www.netexplo.com/n100/ that the project they
want to submit has not already been submitted and is not part of previous
Netexplo 100.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

All the best,


Brigitte LASRY I Head of International University Network

+33 6 61 17 58 60
264 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris
[email protected]

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