Tech Solutions for Covid-19
Charles. I tend to think that the current situation about internet pricing has to do with the market structure. CA...
Charles. I tend to think that the current situation about internet pricing has to do with the market structure. CA...
Hi Muthoni, This also addresses the Senate query posted by Liz Orembo concerning how our industry can help with emergencies...
Hi Dorcas I dont disagree with you at all. I am all for universal internet since the outbreak of cory...
Hi John, Thanks for mentioning the other pioneers I may have missed. Big thanks to them too. Regards, Muthoni On...
Hi Noah, In my opinion, making the Internet universally accessible and affordable increases the market size, more opportunities for engineers...
Hi Muthoni, I agree with you on the need to consider Internet as a Public Utility. It is not difficult...
Hi all, This is an article I wrote recently: Happy to here your thoughts. The regulatory framework needs to...
Dear Liz, Well put! Can kictanet advocate for free internet at this time of COVID-19. Or just free internet days...
Thank you Barrack. Indeed we don\'t have to reinvent the wheel. Africa has dealt with a pandemic before and community...
Dear Liz and listers, My responses in line On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 9:54 AM Liz Orembo via kictanet...