Worldcoin tokens (WLD)

What is this Worldcoin tokens (WLD)?

Are Issues of privacy, data protection taken into account as Kenyans flock
to be registered?

I am lost on what the objective is and the benefits


2 thoughts on “Worldcoin tokens (WLD)

  1. Report on WorldCoin Operations in Kenya is Finally Out

    The Ad Hoc Committee on the inquiry into the activities of WorldCoin in
    Kenya was formed to investigate the operations of the cryptocurrency firm

    The Committee has published its report. Some key recommendations in the
    report include:

    1. A proposal to develop a comprehensive oversight framework and
    policies on virtual assets and virtual asset service providers in Kenya.
    2. Within six months of the adoption of the report, the CS National
    Treasury, in consultation with other stakeholders, developed regulations
    and enforcement infrastructure to ensure that virtual assets and asset
    providers and their activities are adequatley regulated and monitored.
    3. The ODPP to conduct investigations into the operations of M/s Tools
    for Humanity Corp and M/s Tools for Humanit GmbH, Germany in Kenya and take
    requisite legal action.

    For further reading into the report: AD HOC COMMITTEE ON INQUIRY INTO THE

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