Urgent Inquiry: Potential Internet Shutdown and Restriction of Rights in Kenya

We’ve had a statement
<x.com/PeterNdegwa_/status/1805887792985047168> from the CEO of
Safcom. To say the least it beggars belief. Where is the Communications
Authority in this? I know there’s some of them on this list. You promised
<x.com/CA_Kenya/status/1805311316719993274> so come explain

On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 17:55, Sidney Ochieng <[email protected]>

> We had a statement just this morning that there would be no shutdowns or
> slow downs. What is happening?!!!
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 17:24, David Indeje via KICTANet <
> [email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> We are writing to express our deep concern regarding possible internet
>> disruptions in Kenya, particularly in light of the alleged shutdown of
>> landing stations and the potential for further throttling or even a
>> complete shutdown.
>> While the Communication Authority said it had no intention to restrict
>> internet access, the current situation raises serious red flags. It appears
>> to contradict the Kenyan constitution and international human rights law,
>> which guarantee fundamental freedoms like freedom of expression, access to
>> information, and peaceful assembly.
>> These rights are essential for democratic processes to function properly.
>> When citizens cannot freely communicate and hold their government
>> accountable, it undermines the very foundation of a democracy.
>> We urge you to investigate this matter with urgency and clarity.
>> KICTAnet and our partners stand firmly against any attempts to control or
>> restrict internet access in Kenya. We believe an open and accessible
>> internet is essential for economic development, social progress, and a
>> strong democracy.