Today’s 2nd session- AU AI continental Strategy Online Consultations : Theme 2: Seizing AI Opportunities for Social, Economic and Cultural Development in Africa

Kindly find below the details on today’s second session, informing the development of the AU AI Strategy consultations. Do join and also share both the meeting link and consultations forms with your networks.
Discussion Theme 2: Seizing AI Opportunities for Social, Economic and Cultural Development in Africa
Date and Time: Monday, April 22 2024 (3:00 – 4:45 PM East African Time)
Zoom link :
Moderator: Souhila Amazouz, Senior Digital Policy Officer, AUC
* Dr. Tawfik Jelassi, Assistant Director General for Communication and Information, UNESCO
* Dr Alison Gillwald, Executive Director of Research ICT Africa (RIA)
* Ms. Ojoma Ochai, Managing Partner of The Creative Economy Practice, CC Hub, Nigeria
* Mr. Kojo Boayke, Vice President: Public Policy for Middle East and Africa, META
Core Questions
* How can AI be used to help realise Agenda 2063 and SDGs (i.e., living standards, jobs, education, skills, STI, agriculture, environmental protection, climate change, blue economy, capable institutions, peace and security, cultural renaissance, gender equality and financing)?
* Which sectors should be given priority for AI investment in the continent?
* How can the African public sector leverage AI for its service delivery to citizens and businesses?
* What are AI benefits for the African private sector, including SMEs and the informal economy?
* How can Africa develop a conducive environment for the emergence of a robust AI startup ecosystem?
Kind regards
From: Gachungi, Lydia
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 8:45 PM
To: KICTAnet ICT Policy Discussions <[email protected]>
Cc: Sibal, Prateek <[email protected]>; Amazouz Souhila <[email protected]>
Subject: AU AI continental Strategy Online Consultations
Dear Listers,
UNESCO is supporting the AU in developing the AI Continental Strategy. The online consultations are scheduled as below, starting tomorrow.
You are all welcome to contribute, share with your networks and encourage partners to engage.
Form for Input / deadline 25 April 2024
#1 Addressing and Mitigating AI Risks to Africa
Online Consultation: 19 April 2024
Time: 1:00-2:45 PM (East African Time)
Zoom link:
#2 Seizing AI Opportunities for Social, Economic and Cultural Development in Africa
Online Consultation: 22 April 2024
Time: 3:00 – 4:45 PM (East African Time)
Zoom link:
#3 Creating an AI Ecosystem and Capabilities for Harnessing the Potential Benefits of AI
Online Consultation: 23 April 2024
Time: 3:00-2:45 PM (East African Time)
Zoom link:
#4 Fostering regional coordination and multistakeholder collaboration to advance inclusive and beneficial AI in Africa
Online Consultation: 24 April 2024
Time: 3:00 – 4:45 PM (East African Time)
Zoom link:
Kind regards
Lydia Gachungi
Regional Adviser on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists
Addis Ababa Liaison Office to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa/
National Office for Ethiopia.
Niger Building, 1st Floor (ECA Compound)
PO Box 1177 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Office Tel: +251 115443786
Mobile No: +251 945505333/ + 254722803724
Email:.[email protected]
@LGachungi / @UNESCO_Addis
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