Tech Companies Try to Retrain the Workers They\’re Displacing

Tech Companies Try to Retrain the Workers They\’re Displacing

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Tech Companies Try to Retrain the Workers They\’re Displacing
Automation will change or eliminate millions of today\’s jobs. Can training workers for entry-level tech jobs… | |



 \” …. Now these companies are looking to put a positive spin on the next controversial frontier: their effect on jobs.Facebook has been offering training in a variety of digital skills, including an alliance with a coding school in Michigan that began last fall. On March 26 in St. Louis, it’s launching a training-oriented national tour called Community Boost, part of a broader effort that COO Sheryl Sandberg projects will have reached 2.5 million people by the end of the year. Microsoft has committed millions to a Colorado nonprofit called Skillful that helps connect people with jobs in IT, advanced manufacturing and healthcare. Amazon’s spin is a little different—it offers to cover 95 percent of the cost of training its own warehouse employees for a variety of careers outside of Amazon. As Maggioncalda puts it, the future of work and the future of education are converging…. \”

There was an earlier discussion on labour, talent, jobs, work…
Blessed day.Regards/Wangari