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Since 15th is now a public holiday, is the session still on? On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 10:56 AM,...
Since 15th is now a public holiday, is the session still on? On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 10:56 AM,...
This is excellent feedback Barrack. Good to know they delivered beyond expectations. Parts of limuru still have signal (both voice...
Hi Listers, In June 2017 i raised an issue during the talk to Safaricom debate with regard to poor signal...
Good morning listers, I trust you are well well. I would wish on behalf of the MAG team to thank... Good read for AI-holics! National/Regional AI strategy; From AI and Ecology, gender balance, civil servants to making AI inclusive...
** Your are invited! ------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Topics. 4 Speakers. 3 Hours. 1 venue Are you planning to join us for...
Marcus Hutchins , the British malware analyst who helped stop global Wannacry menace , is now facing four new charges...
The training course that will help you learn proven creative and innovative thinking techniques to generate new ideas. View this...
@ SM Muraya I cannot agree more on your concerns on ICT and revenue management at our counties. You can...
Dear Listers, Recently, a certain governor accurately but still mercilessly noted, there is no law against favoring traders over farmers...