Sharing Access Now’s 2024 #KeepItOn internet shutdown report
I am writing to share Access Now’s newly launched 2024 #KeepItOn internet
shutdowns report, Emboldened offenders, endangered communities: internet
shutdowns in 2024 <>, which
some of you may have already had a chance to interact with.
We documented at least 296 internet shutdowns in 54 countries — surpassing
the previous 2023 record of 283 shutdowns in 39 countries. And it was a
record-breaking year across the board — with the highest number of
shutdowns imposed in response to conflicts (103), protests and political
instability (74), exams (16), and elections (12) since we started keeping
records in 2016.
Read the f*ull report* <>*,
global snapshot <>,*
and *press
Also access our *newly launched dashboard*
<>, which makes navigating internet
shutdown data easier than ever before. Please do not hesitate to reach out
if you have any questions.