Sh4.7 billion health data technology in limbo

Trending story that raises among other questions: health data without data
protection laws; the status and utility of NOFBI and of course, public

A local IT firm is on the spot over delayed implementation of the country’s
Healthcare Information Technology system, 10 months after it was awarded
the contract at a cost of Sh4.7billion.

Seven Seas Technologies is unable to explain their inability to complete a
multi-billion shilling project that sought to centralise data centre at the
Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) to senior officials at the Ministry of

Senior ministry officials have downplayed the matter, although medics at
the radiology department decry work inefficiencies occasioned by system
installation delays.
Read on here​ <A local IT firm is on the spot over delayed
implementation of the country’s Healthcare Information Technology system,
10 months after it was awarded the contract at a cost of Sh4.7billion.
Seven Seas Technologies is unable to explain their inability to complete a
multi-billion shilling project that sought to centralise data centre at the
Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) to senior officials at the Ministry of
Health. Senior ministry officials have downplayed the matter, although
medics at the radiology department decry work inefficiencies occasioned by
system installation delays.>