To save CA from bullies, restore its autonomy and independence
Thanks Grace for taking us down memory lane. See Wangusi\'s viewpoint on what constitues an Independence Regulator. This was eight...
Thanks Grace for taking us down memory lane. See Wangusi\'s viewpoint on what constitues an Independence Regulator. This was eight...
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Kelvin, Please refer to the thread \"independent Communications Commission of Kenya\" that gives diverse views on what independence means (for...
Good points of information Ali. The situation is getting clearer for me now. My assumption is that the funds at...
Dear Sidney, I have read your email. I am preparing a detailed response to the allegations you have raised. As...
Hi Sidney, There is a lot of misinformation and disinformation regarding this issue. I have been involved in such processes...
It is good news that we can find devs in this area or training for devs locally. Keep up the...
This below, somehow is a comprehensive explanation from C.A. On 24 Jan 2018 09:13, \"Sidney Ochieng (princelySid) via kictanet\"
Listers, In Summary - Surely, somebody must be made to answer for those letters. - This is the sector that...
Jessica Colaco is doing great work at Try them out. Regards *Ali Hussein* *Principal* *Hussein & Associates* Tel:...