Recommendations for best local apps/services to improve lives?
Hi all When we build new mobile sites for our customers in rural areas we find a lack of awareness...
Hi all When we build new mobile sites for our customers in rural areas we find a lack of awareness...
Mobile phone service provider Safaricom, and a firm that developed the e-citizen platform have been allowed to defend themselves against... How far are we willing to push data mining and use?
Universal Service & Access Funds | An Untapped Resource to Close the Gender Digital Divide | | | | |...
Tech Companies Try to Retrain the Workers They\'re Displacing | | | | | | | | | | |...
Thank you Liz. Best, Ida Ng\'ang\'a Public Policy and Internet for Development Expert On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Liz Orembo...
The cock has indeed come home to roost. For me, it is time social media giants stopped telling us what...
Ali, I don\'t understand your rant because you are agreeing with the writer 100%, that 1. Money is tribal 2....
The cock has finally come home to roost? As Data Scientists, we have for long pointed out Cambridge Analyticas dirty...
Listers, I\'m resending this email because the first one had some technical errors and failed to reach everyone.