[Need for Full time Secretariat]
Patrick and all Let me add one or two things about the current structure of KICTANet and why we feel...
Patrick and all Let me add one or two things about the current structure of KICTANet and why we feel...
Listers, Kindly participate in this survey if you can spare a few minutes. Best Regards ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From:...
This might be of interest to our lawyers here. From: \"Michael Moss\" Date: 30-01-2019 17:56 Dear all, There is one week...
Listers There is still no soft copy of this bill yet, but we are organising to have a scanned copy...
Dear Grace, I couldn\'t find the information below on the website. Please can you advise where I can get it...
Patrick, I wish you just took your time and dug deeper into the leads Barrack has suggested. Information controls (censorship,...
Listers As an ICT Policy practitioner and avid follower of #GeoPolitics the #HuaweiDebacle has great interest to me. Recently our...
Thanks Barrack, appreciated. So just to be clear, other than the policy briefs, there is no data that shows what...
Barrack, Is there data / reports that shows what public awareness programs were implemented, their cumulative reach, the perceived effectiveness...
Dear Patrick, Many thanks for your questions which are timely and very important for any new lister. KICTANet has a...