IGF Week Day 2 Discussion – Digital Inclusion
Good morning listers, As we approach this year\'s Kenya Internet Governance Forum on 1 August 2019, we would like to...
Good morning listers, As we approach this year\'s Kenya Internet Governance Forum on 1 August 2019, we would like to...
Good evening, I usually enjoy the KIGF Week discussions so I’m happy to chime in. I’ll keep it brief. 1)...
Dear Rosemary, Many thanks for kIckstarting this conversation as we discuss one Kenya, one net and one vision. My humble...
Listers, Might be of interest. Best Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Anriette Esterhuysen Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at...
Good morning listers, As we gear for this year\'s Kenya Internet Governance Forum the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) would like...
I agree with you 101 % ICTA is out of line with this, thats not there mandate , The data...
100%. Timely. I, however, agree with Collins. ICTA has ZERO mandate to do this. Let\'s be careful how we implement...
In agreement with Kivuva on this issue. We need a register or proper map of which areas have coverage and...
To me, it seems a timely intervention. What is now required is for the different agencies to work in concert....
Does ICTA have that kind of mandate? does regulation not squarely lie in the hands of CA? Regards, Collins Areba,...