New Cabinet – Wish List ?

We are just nearly here again.
The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Best Regards,
Mwendwa Kivuva, Nairobi, Kenya

On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 at 13:42, Mwendwa Kivuva <[email protected]>

> Thank you Barrack, I think you have preempted the prayers of the
> community.
> Open letter to Hon. Joe Mucheru and Dr. Victor Kyalo.
> You will shine if you embrace multistakeholderism. Just remember, when
> the community is happy, the country is happy, and this will reflect in
> your scorecard.
> Isn’t it great, that Kictanet has produced a CS and a PS? The
> community now is eager for better engagement than what was offered by
> the outgoing regime. Although we should not dwell on the past, I
> remember the words of Dr. Ndemo “Kictanet has been used to influence
> policy and decision making in government”. And weren’t those the
> golden moments for Kenya’s ICT scenes? We created policies and an
> Enabling Environment that set out Kenya as the Silicon Savanna, built
> investor confidence, created urgency and excitement, saw the rise of
> hubs, and had this Big Hairy Audacious Goals, like Konza technocity.
> Can we see that again?
> I’m not sure I can point to one hot running issues during the past 3 years.
> We wish you success, and hope to engage in an open, respectful and
> productive manner.
> Wishing you God speed.
> Regards