List moderation for Two KICA amendment bills 2019

Dear Listers


Further to sharing of two KICA Bills here, we would like to submit a
memorandum on both as part of public participation. We plan to hold a
two day moderated debate next week on Wednesday October 23rd and
Thursday 24th.

The two bills propose to amend KICA on different issues. 

1. The first one published on March 15, 2019 proposes to amend KICA by
inserting a new section 25A, which will allow Telco companies to
engage in any other business, so long as they are licensed. 

2. The second Bill published on July 24, 201 9 proposes to amend KICA
in section 2, which basically is the regulation of social media
(including bloggers and watsapp admins). 

Mercy Mutemi will moderate the social media one on Wednesday, while
Mwendwa Kivuva will handle the Telcos one on Thursday. 

We hope to have a discussion on the same with the National Assembly
ICT committee at a date to be announced here. 

Looking forward to a vibrant debate.


Grace Githaiga
Co-Convenor, Kenya ICT Action Network