#KeIGF2024 : Digital Creative Industries: AI & Film


As a country, we have made some progress in online accessibility but we
still have a long way to go.

Focusing on website accessibility, the KICTANet Disability program
conducted a research on the usability of public websites by PWDs, but none
of the websites were 100% accessible. The worrying trend, though, was that
most of the websites lacked basic accessibility functions like Alt-text and
captions, and surprisingly none of them had audio descriptions.

The report is available in the following: LINK

Inaccessible public websites are great barriers that we can’t overlook
especially considering the government’s ongoing digitization of its

We have legal provisions as a country including the National ICT Policy
and Kenya Standard (Ks 2952) on Accessibility among others, that should
cater to the accessibility of digital platforms to PWDs.But as the report
highlights, the guidelines are not being followed.

I am interested to know who should be held accountable

Nic. Nyakundi
ICT Accessibility & Equality for PWDs
*KICTANet* <www.kictanet.or.ke/>


On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 10:33 AM Cephas Joseph via KICTANet <
[email protected]> wrote:

> David,
> Considering online accessibility, ability for PLWDs to navigate web
> places, we need website owners to consider adding
> accessibility functionalities on their webpages. From screen reading, voice
> navigation, contrast, dyslexia friendliness, text transformations etc based
> on accessibility profiles of users. This aligns to and helps stay ahead of
> global accessibility laws and best practices.
> Do we have a digital accessibility policy/regulations/laws in Kenya?
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 10:05 AM David Indeje via KICTANet <
> [email protected]> wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> Welcome to day 3 of our online moderated *#KeIGF2024* conversation.
>> *Today’s discussion is about Bridging the Digital Divide when it comes to
>> digital inclusion and accessibility for PWDs and underserved communities.*
>> – How can we raise awareness among policymakers and stakeholders
>> about the specific needs of PWDs and underserved communities regarding
>> internet access?
>> – What innovative solutions can bridge the affordability gap for
>> internet access, devices, and assistive technologies for these groups?
>> – How can we incentivize infrastructure development in underserved
>> areas to ensure wider internet coverage?
>> – How can we encourage the development and adoption of accessible
>> online content and interfaces?
>> – What steps can be taken to improve digital literacy programs and
>> resources in underserved communities?
>> – How can we guarantee the long-term sustainability of support funds
>> like USF to ensure continued investment in digital inclusion initiatives?
>> If you are part of a PWD or underserved community, what are the biggest
>> challenges you face in accessing the internet?
>> If you are working on digital inclusion initiatives, what successful
>> models or approaches can you share?
>> —
>> *Kind Regards,*
>> *David Indeje*
>> *@**KICTANet* <www.kictanet.or.ke/>
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