Invitation: Validation Meeting on Needs Assessment and Curriculum for HR-CSOs in Kenya
This is a reminder of our upcoming validation meeting on the needs
assessment and curriculum development for human rights civil society
organizations (HR-CSOs) in Kenya. This meeting is part of the KenSafeSpace
Action, an initiative by KICTANet, Internews, and Internet without Borders
(IWB) to empower HR-CSOs in advocating for a democratic, safe, and
inclusive digital environment.
The meeting will focus on validating the findings of a needs assessment
conducted to identify key challenges and capacity-building priorities for
HR-CSOs. The assessment evaluated awareness levels of digital rights
violations, including hate speech, disinformation, cyberbullying, and
online gender-based violence.:
Kindly register as per the details below:
– *Date:* Thursday, January 23, 2023
– *Time:* 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
– *Place:* Zoom
– *[Zoom Meeting Link: