Fwd: [Please approve -Draft Email for Circulation on KICTANet Mailing List] Participate in Survey: UNFPA TF GBV Survey Participation

Dear Listers,

Good morning.

The UNFPA is conducting a Baseline Study for the *’**Making All Spaces Safe
(MASS) Programme’ *to fill existing gaps in GBV programming to address
Technology-Facilitated Gender Based Violence (*TF GBV).** The responses
provided to the* 10-15 minute survey *will provide baseline data for the
programme, and will support the UNFPA to understand Internet users’
awareness and experiences of TF GBV. The UNFPA anticipates further outreach
with stakeholders once program implementation commences.

Please find the survey links, in English and Swahili, below for completion
by *18th February 2025*:

1. *UNFPA Baseline Study – English*: forms.gle/U1kJYicDEogbz1oH7
2. *UNFPA Baseline Study – Swahili:* forms.gle/4FDmE8Br9BPHNv2w6

Learn more about the UNFPA MASS Programme here.

Kindly circulate for reach.