Fwd: [Internet Policy] Call for IGF2024 Accessibility Fellowships for Persons with Disabilities


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———- Forwarded message ———
From: Judith Hellerstein via InternetPolicy <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 6:48 PM
Subject: [Internet Policy] Call for IGF2024 Accessibility Fellowships for
Persons with Disabilities
To: <[email protected]>

Dear All,

With the generous support of internet pioneer and philanthropist, Vint Cerf
and Google LLC, the IGF-DCAD (Internet Governance Forum — Dynamic
Coalition on Accessibility and Disability) is pleased to announce the
availability of accessibility grants for persons with disabilities
attending the IGF 2024 online or in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. We understand the
importance of inclusivity and strive to ensure that everyone has an equal
opportunity to participate in the Internet Governance discussions. This is
a step in that direction.

The support grants may cover a range of expenses associated with travel,
accommodation, accessibility accommodation, or remote internet support and
participation in the event, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can
fully engage in the important discussions at the IGF. Recognizing that
in-person participation may not be feasible for everyone, we are committed
to providing an accessible virtual experience for those who opt for remote
engagement. For more details, visit:


DCAD firmly believes that fostering diversity and inclusivity in internet
governance leads to better policies and decisions that reflect the needs of
all stakeholders. Through this support initiative, we hope to empower
persons with disabilities to actively engage in internet policy
discussions, whether they attend in person or virtually.

*How to Apply?*

Interested candidates can apply for the travel support grants by completing
the online application at:


*Application Deadline:*

The deadline for submitting applications is August 11 2024 15:00 UTC. Late
submissions will not be considered.

*Selection Process:*

The DCAD Fellowship Selection Committee will review all applications based
on the eligibility criteria and the impact of the applicant’s involvement
in internet governance. The selection committee will evaluate the
applications impartially and announce the awardees. Due to limited funds,
all applicants may not receive support and the decision of the Committee
shall be final.


For queries, contact us at:

[email protected]


Dr. Muhammad Shabbir,

Judith Hellerstein


Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD),

Twitter: twitter.com/MShabbirPhD/