Discussion: Shaping Kenya’s Cybersecurity Ecosystem

*Our Day 2 * discussion on the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act (CMCA)
will focus on:

*Section 3: Effectiveness of Legal Actions Pursuant to the CMCA.*

1. Do you believe that legal actions taken under the CMCA have been
effective in deterring computer misuse and cybercrimes? If not then why do
you think they have been ineffective?
2. In your opinion are the penalties prescribed by the CMCA sufficient
to deter cybercriminals? If not then which sections do you think need
higher penalties, and what penalties would you propose in such an
3. Are there instances of misuse of the CMCA for political purposes or
to target specific individuals or groups?
4. How has the public perception of the CMCA and its enforcement
impacted the effectiveness of legal actions under the CMCA?

*Section 4: Effectiveness of Safeguards Under the CMCA.*

1. Are the safeguards in place to prevent abuse of the CMCA, such as
those related to surveillance, search, and censorship, adequate? If not
then what can be done to enhance them?
2. How can these safeguards be strengthened to protect individual rights
and freedoms?
3. Have there been instances of abuse of the CMCA that have come to your
4. What mechanisms are in place to hold accountable those who misuse the