Singapore vs. Israel: Who’s the better role model? *Singapore vs. Israel: Who’s the better role model?* *A leading politician and a top entrepreneur urge Israel to be... *Singapore vs. Israel: Who’s the better role model?* *A leading politician and a top entrepreneur urge Israel to be...
Let me quote the article:- \"CS Mucheru, who was speaking at the HPC Forum at the United States International University...
Alex, What do you think about the bill? Also, interesting comments here on a nation (with leadership) showing interest in...
Hi, While trying to push such laws shouldn\'t they be looking at credentialing people without formal ICT schooling but have...
I wonder how some of the ground breaking technology companies - such as for instance Google Kenya, can operate if...
EricKigada: Kenya’s controversial ICT Practitioners Bill 2016 to be tabled in parliament again… Sent from Yahoo Mail on...
Splendid, to say the least. Regards, Vincent
Dear Grace, Kindly use the link below to access second level domain policy that sets the rules for all the...
The contracts are made in such a manner that even users repay the loans and quit, their data will still...
Moses Thanks for sharing. This is very interesting. As a player in the sector I will be reading this report...