Dear Listers, This year\'s Kenya Internet Governance Forum conference themed “ICTs for Kenya’s Development: Getting Everyone on Board” aimed to...
Dear Listers, This year\'s Kenya Internet Governance Forum conference themed “ICTs for Kenya’s Development: Getting Everyone on Board” aimed to...
Thanks Liz, Not for this one, though we have a number of such requests. Will look into this... *Let me...
Listers, We are now offering a 5 day Crypto-currency & Blockchain Essentials Course at Strathmore University starting Monday 19th next...
We need to up the game on awareness. Great Software development skillsets are hard to come by and especially rare....
Just to add to the debate: A BBC story on AI outsourcing in Kenya WHY BIG TECH PAYS POOR KENYANS...
Hi Wainaina and listers, Unfortunately we don\'t have a culture of rewarding local innovations and pumping billions into local Research...
Moral rights are not transferrable. On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 2:35 PM Patrick A. M. Maina via kictanet wrote:...
Heehe $12,000 for the \"best\" source code (including moral rights - so you will never get credited if its a...
Good morning Ali, allow me to be a bit assertive because that is not a fair, nor warranted accusation. In...
Patrick I didn’t peg you as one to insult another for their opinions. I will not gown down that rabbit...