Fwd: [Internet Policy] PassBlue Article on “Multistakeholderism”
Listers, Might be of interest. Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: R C via InternetPolicy Date: Sat, Sep 7, 2019...
Listers, Might be of interest. Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: R C via InternetPolicy Date: Sat, Sep 7, 2019...
Ali, Indeed Spectrum is the next Real Estate. MJ raised valid concerns though. As the Service Providers fight for a...
\"It says that the post-merger, Airtel-Telkom will jointly hold 77.5 MHz of the spectrum against a customer base of 17.3...
interesting and useful research from Uganda www.ictworks.org/data-quantity-equal-data-quality/ Caution! Data Quantity Does NOT Equal Data Quality Posted by Guest Writer Uganda...
Listers, Thanks for your positive comments on the USF projects rolled out so far. We shall share the information shortly....
Hi Barrack, I also saw it. Wambua had sent info on the number of schools. Would like to know about...
Hi Liz, There was an email shared on this list earlier in the year with the details. Not sure if...
This is really great. Congratulations @ CA and the USF team. Could you please provide some details on the number...
Very interesting. Shoe on the other foot kind of thing? :-) Not sure this is an \'ultimatum\'. You just have...
www.standardmedia.co.ke/business/article/2001340740/safaricom-s-ultimatum-before-airtel-telkom-merger Safaricom has set an ultimatum for the Telkom-Kenya and Airtel merger while downplaying claims that it is opposed to...