Shared Spectrum Framework for Community Networks for Kenya online discussion
Dear Listers, The tread on Licensing framework is on fire and doing very well. Thank you all for the contributions,...
Dear Listers, The tread on Licensing framework is on fire and doing very well. Thank you all for the contributions,...
Hi Barrack So far I was just commenting on the licensing aspects, but will certainly also comment on the shared...
Hi Adam, I beg to respectfully differ with you on the purpose of the framework. This effort by the Communications...
Hi Liz Yes, definitely a massive need for local content, or more accurately, localized content. Some content, such as health...
Thanks Kivuva for pointing out that for profit tier licences are already in place. Can there be special categories under...
On Fri, 28 May 2021 at 10:05, Benson Muite via kictanet wrote: > > > *Unserved areas exist within cities....
Mwendwa, I would say geographic area, specifically expand it to cover county other than sub county. On Fri, May 28,...
Sorry for the typo error. It should be countywide On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 10:06 AM Benson Muite via...
> *Unserved areas exist within cities. Take an example of Nairobi; we > have Poa Internet, Tunapanda serving the masses...
On Fri, 28 May 2021 at 09:29, Vitalis Olunga via kictanet wrote: > My suggestion is that the CNSP License...