Call for Applications: Internet of Rights Fellowship 2019

Hi all,

Please share our call for applications for this year\’s Internet of
Rights fellowship. The deadline for applications is Friday, 24 February.

Thank you!


Download the call:

# Call for Applications: ARTICLE 19 Internet of Rights Fellowship

ARTICLE 19 Team Digital is looking for three new fellows to join the
2019 cohort of the Internet of Rights Fellowship.

Since 2014 ARTICLE 19 has been a pioneer in the technical governance and
evolution of the global Internet, bridging the knowledge gap within the
technical and human rights communities. In doing so, ARTICLE 19 has
carved out a key platform for civil society engagement in these bodies;
however, there remains the need for greater, more diverse, and more
sustainable civil society participation.

In its third year, the Internet of Rights Fellowship will equip a
diverse community of civil society organizations and their
representatives with the tools they need to carry out long-term,
influential engagement in the bodies setting the technical policies and
standards that uphold the global Internet architecture.

Fellows will be expected to have some working knowledge and experience
with the technical and policy discussions across the Internet governance
landscape. Under the guidance of their assigned mentors, they will
develop a deeper knowledge of their target issue area and the skills
necessary to meaningfully contribute to discussions in order to further
human rights considerations in Internet governance bodies. By the end of
the program, fellows will be well equipped to continue developing a
robust approach to human rights within these technical communities
beyond the life of the program.

# The Fellowship

The Internet of Rights Fellowship program is designed to be flexible and
dynamic to account for each individual’s skills, interests, and
experience. Prospective fellows are encouraged to be creative in their
approach. Upon selection, fellows will work with ARTICLE 19 Team Digital
to elaborate upon their work plan, develop a schedule, and identify
potential deliverables. Beyond lending structure to the fellowship, this
exercise is intended to give our team insights into how we may best
support each individual.

The 2019 Internet of Rights Fellowship will start in March and last for
one year, during which time fellows will work closely with their
mentor—a designated member of our team—on one of the following priority

* Algorithmic decision making: This is a technical track on which
fellows will complement our policy work on algorithms, artificial
intelligence and machine learning to address how algorithmic
decision-making can be guided by international human rights law.
Algorithms fellows may work on developing research, and/or work in both
established and emerging spaces, like the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Partnership on AI (PAI).
* Public Interest Internet Standards: This is a technical and policy
development track on which fellows will contribute to Article 19\’s work
at the Human Rights in Protocols Considerations Research Group of the
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), or in developing novel technical
methods for measuring human rights aspects of existing Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards.
* Radio Network Hardware: This is a technical or humanities track in
which the fellow will complement our policy work by studying specific
standardization projects ongoing in either the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN
Standards Committee (LMSC) or the Third Generation Partnership Project
(3GPP). The fellowship has the goal of uncovering hidden effects on
human rights of technical choices at the lowest layer of Internet
architecture: hardware. Fellows may be given the task to assist ARTICLE
19 representatives with things like Letter Ballots, technical reviews
and attend standardization meetings.

Each Fellow will be expected to participate in three Internet
governance-related meetings over the course of the year. Costs incurred
during participation in meetings and conferences as part of this program
will be covered by the Fellowship. Fellows will also receive a monthly
honorarium of USD 300 over the duration of their fellowship.

# The Fellows

Fellows are expected to commit to an average of eight hours per week
engaging in forum-specific discussions, participating in working groups,
and completing projects. The program will be conducted entirely in
English; therefore, fellows must have written and spoken proficiency in
the language.

For all priority areas, the ideal fellow will have:
* Technical competence, which may include knowledge and experience in
computer networking and protocols, systems design, and architecture
* Prior experience contributing to Internet governance fora, and/or
in-depth knowledge of their target body
* A clear commitment to protecting and promoting human rights and
Internet freedom.

Applicants from the Global South, women, and other under-represented
groups are encouraged to apply.

# Application Submissions

The deadline for applications is Friday, 24 February 2019. Interested
applicants should submit the following to [email protected]:

* Curriculum vitae
* Statement of interest, indicating priority area and proposed work
plan (maximum of two pages)
* Contact information of two references

Questions can be directed to [email protected]