Urgent Inquiry: Potential Internet Shutdown and Restriction of Rights in Kenya

Dear Listers,

We are writing to express our deep concern regarding possible internet
disruptions in Kenya, particularly in light of the alleged shutdown of
landing stations and the potential for further throttling or even a
complete shutdown.

While the Communication Authority said it had no intention to restrict
internet access, the current situation raises serious red flags. It appears
to contradict the Kenyan constitution and international human rights law,
which guarantee fundamental freedoms like freedom of expression, access to
information, and peaceful assembly.

These rights are essential for democratic processes to function properly.
When citizens cannot freely communicate and hold their government
accountable, it undermines the very foundation of a democracy.

We urge you to investigate this matter with urgency and clarity.

KICTAnet and our partners stand firmly against any attempts to control or
restrict internet access in Kenya. We believe an open and accessible
internet is essential for economic development, social progress, and a
strong democracy.