Fwd: [Internet Policy] Restoring competition in \”winnerall\” digital platform markets
Copy pasting George Sadowsky\'s response which reflects the local scenario. In the last part of the 20th century, and continuing...
Copy pasting George Sadowsky\'s response which reflects the local scenario. In the last part of the 20th century, and continuing...
Dear Listers, This may be of interest to some. Apologies for cross-posting. Kind Regards, Keith ---------- Forwarded message --------- From:...
Dear listers, Last year on 21st November 2019, Ai Kenya held a Public screening and Panel discussion Event on The...
Listers, Might be of interest. Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Richard Hill via InternetPolicy Subject: Restoring competition in \"winner-took-all\"...
Jeipea! Thank you for these very good points. When I was at the iHub, I organised a regular lunch around...
Points well made! Ali Hussein +254 0713 601113 Twitter: @AliHKassim Skype: abu-jomo LinkedIn: ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim Blog: www.alyhussein.com \"Discovery consists in seeing...
Dear Listers, Thank you very much for sharing contacts, we are in the process of contacting these individuals and organisations....
Nope not America - I\'m surprised they didn\'t make the cut for failed democracies. I would consider Finland a normal...
Listers, Might be of interest. Regards ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond via InternetPolicy Subject: Fwd: Consultation response...
Arya On a light note;- What do you consider \'normal\' countries? Would you, for example, consider America more normal than...